Friday, October 3, 2008


Bone Crusher is a judge on Iron Chef America. That's right. Bone Crusher. The rapper. If you don't know who he is, you might know it from this song.

Anyway, this is his profile on
Bone Crusher
From: Atlanta
Profession: Rapper/Rock Star/Actor/Cook
Interests: Food/Music/Good Times
Ideal secret ingredient: Garlic
Culinary inspirations: Grandparents
Favorite restaurant: Busy B's
Favorite food: Healthy soul food 
Food you won't go near: Pork
Weirdest thing you've ever eaten: Jalapeño ice cream 
Favorite food destination: Germany because it tastes like the 80's
Alternative dream job: I got it!

1 comment:

Travis McKinney said...

literally tonight, my friend nick and i were watching iron chef and we were like 'did they just pick this guy off the skreet??" hahah, what a coincidence.