Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Fountainhead

I started reading some Ayn Rand this week. It is all apart of this focus I have on politics as of late. It has happened during the last two presidential elections. Last election, I voted for John Kerry. The vote was cast for two reasons: opposition to George W. Bush and ostentatiousness. Since 2004, I have come to realize that the role of the government, as set forth in the Constitution, is to protect the personal and property rights of every American. I believe that this is at the heart of the Republican message. However, the last 70 years have seen this message change a dramatic amount. 
That is why in 2008, I am voting for Bob Barr, the presidential candidate of the Libertarian party. If you value the importance of the Constitution, your rights, and the free market, I suggest you do too. Otherwise, we will have another four years of legislating morals, foreign occupation, and economic clusterf*cks.

A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.
- Thomas Jefferson

1 comment:

Erik said...

I also learned that the heart of the Republican party fights to protect personal liberties and freedoms and strives to keep a free market economy. Barack Obama clearly is fighting for a system of redistribution of wealth, and history shows that this economic system does not work. All it does is get votes from the lower-middle class.

I'm going to vote for McCain, only because it will hurt Obama more than a vote for Bob Barr will hurt. I'm glad you're supporting the libertarian party, because its political platform reflects the views of most Americans. the only problem is that it is a less well-known party. Good job Sam.