Thursday, May 29, 2008

2-2 Top of the Sixth

Women's softball has never been my sport of choice. However, I find myself getting worked up in the middle of Game 1 of the Women's College World Series(The inner Gator fan does not discriminate based on sport). The University of Florida must be better than everyone at everything. Sometimes, my dedication to team sports baffles me. For those of you who are not sports fans, I am sure it baffles you as well. But for the avid sports fan, you might not understand my conviction. 

The moral of the story is everything is permissible but not beneficial. 

1 comment:

Ethan Stonerook said...

Sam, in this case it would be apropos for me to remind you that the welfare of the state depends on the morals of its citizens. Therefore, I support your fanaticism. But I also agree with the moral of your story.