Tuesday, May 13, 2008

GRE and FSU Application

I am taking the GRE on Wednesday. My graduate school application is due at the end of the month. I really don't know if this is the right decision for my life. The main motivation is doing something that I find remotely interesting that will allow me to provide for my future wife and the eventual family. So that is my life right now. Booooooring!


Janelle Proulx said...

aw thanks Sam!!

I didn't know you had a blog...

I shall add you to my links.

I hope the GRE went well!!

and I also have some questions that I've been meaning to ask you...

how many people are going to be at your wedding? have you hired a photographer? and if it is not really huge can I photograph it as my gift to you?

Also, don't feel obligated to say yes.

Janelle Proulx said...

Honeymooning in Savannah sounds like a good idea, but it depends when you would be coming exactly.. Savannah isn't so fun when it is really crowded and school starts the second week of september so if it is before or after that I think that'd be best.

How long would you probably be here for? There's a good amount of stuff to do. There are lots of museums and there are usually plays going on and you can walk everywhere which is really nice, but if you wanted it to be a more adventurous honeymoon with hiking and things like that I probably wouldn't recommend here. It really depends on what you want to do.