Friday, August 28, 2009


I'm trying to not love the Gators as much as I do. That is my goal for football season. The reason for my goal is because it really should not be that important in my life. I put plenty of things on the back burner in my life and sports has never been one. I always make time to watch the game. Always. In fact, it will take up most of my Saturdays this fall. It will also take up a lot of internet hours during the week. I think I am going to try an put sports on the back burner for once. It won't be easy though.

For as long as I can remember, I loved sports. Whether it was playing or watching, I was always fully invested. When I was regenerated by Christ in high school, I began to see how unimportant a lot of things in my life were. Sports was at the top of my list. But I never gave it up (and I probably never will). Now, let me say here that there is nothing wrong with watching or playing sports. I have a ton of fun doing both and probably will for the rest of my life. But I can't serve two masters. And even though I do not think of sports as my master, I probably invest more time in sports each week than I do in scripture. I think that is wrong of me. So I have been trying to change it.

A couple of extra points:

Sports provides an awesome opportunity to hang out with my friends. It is great that we all have it in common. That is partly why I do not think there is anything wrong with sports.

It also helps you meet new people. I have made a ton of friends in Gainesville playing frisbee. It is how I met Chase Madden--who was my first male friend in Gainesville--and all of Shady Oaks.

As a former coach, sports is a great teaching tool for kids to learn about how to work as a team and how to deal with success and failure.

Finally, I am not posting this because I think everyone we know has a problem with sports. I am only posting it because I was convicted of it. James teaches us, "confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." So this is me confessing to the everyone in a sense.


RyanT said...

Chase Madden is a great name. It sounds like a cheesy flash game where John Madden is running away from you yelling "BOOM!" and "In order to catch me, you'll have to be closer!" and such.

(Making fun of sportscasters aside, I did appreciate this post. For me, it isn't sports. But I definitely feel the sentiments expressed.)

Ethan said...

Sam, I am feeling the same way about football this season. I was ready to start actively harassing students selling their season tickets on craigslist for more than I thought they should. We can try to be grown ups together.