Monday, September 22, 2008

Daytime Television

TV is such a huge waste of time. I'm losing my day to Grey's Anatomy and Oprah. I am a middle-aged woman. I have a van and drive my kids to soccer practice. Do we have any flour? I need to get dinner on the table.
I came to realization this week that I would not mind moving out of Gainesville. I like it here. It's nice. But it changes every year. I might be trying to hold on to something that doesn't really exist anymore. I have some great friends here. They would be why I stay. At the same time, those friends are changing. Everything is changing too fast for my liking.
Passion tea. It comes in a purple bag. It is red like Kool-Aid. Megan brings it home from work. I need a tea to remind me about passion.

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