Thursday, September 10, 2009

Health Care Speech

7 minutes into watching the healthcare speech, I realized Obama had said about 3 sentences. Stop clapping, for goodness sake!

In related news, I have a second goal for the semester: Stop caring as much about politics.  In reality, there is little I can do to change anything.  It also gets my blood-a-boiling because I think I am right.  I think that I have a moral responsibility to support issues I feel strongly about (ex. pro-life, anti-torture). With most issues though, I feel dissension is unnecessary. Here's a quote I have run across in my readings: 
For Christians, our hope is not in politics but in the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Politics does not change men fundamentally, though we do have a name for political systems that believe they can change men: totalitarianisms. Marxist regimes believed they could inculcate virtue, creating "the new man." The aims of Christian democracies founded on Christian truths are more modest, chiefly protecting life, liberty, and property (in the view of the United States' Founders). Because our ultimate hope is not in politics, we should lower our political expectations and heighten our cultural expectations. We should work for cultural change by means of preaching the Gospel and applying God's truth in all areas of life; a Christianized political order will come incrementally, over time.
-Andrew Sandlin
I think people can get their hope (no Obama joke intended) sucked into the wrong sources.
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope... 1 Timothy 1:1


Ethan said...

"For the Kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power."
Boom. Roasted.

For years I have struggled with the back and forth of investing lots of energy in political knowledge, opinion, pursuasion, etc., and realizing that in the end that system will only be as broken or as whole as the people who run it. While I voted for Obama, I don't think that in the end he will provide the "change we need" in the sense that he will restore some kind of honesty or rock solid foundation for th epeople, because the change we really need is to surrender to the Holy Spirit. The illusion that politics can have much baring on the people's morals is just that, an illusion. Let us not forget that the welfare of the state depends on the morals of its citizens, and these can only truly be changed with regenerate hearts.

mmcvicar said...

"... we should lower our political expectations and heighten our cultural expectations"


One time I decided to change my political affiliation on Facebook to something really clever and maybe even a little cynical. So I started with "Solidarity Forever", and a real party popped up "Non-Partisan Solidarity Union" to my surprise. So apparently, according to the all knowing Wikipedia, it's "... a political party in the Republic of China on Taiwan."

Anyway, I can't find any information about their ideology, but I think I support their name at least!

Travis McKinney said...

good idea.

i like sam
sam make me happy
sam go slam on da slappy
i like sam
i like sam
sam a good guy
he make me laugh hard i cry
i like sam
i like sam
sam like me too
sam like a me like a you
i like sam
i like sam
he heart real big
like a stong lion or wild pig
i like sam