Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CFB Never Dies

A question from an interview with Sam Bradford:

Q: Would it be accurate to say there wasn’t as much space between defensive backs and receivers against Florida than what you were used to seeing?

A: I think that would be accurate. They were a very good defense; they were very fast, but they were very sound. They rarely got out of position, and they had guys accounting for all of our receivers, especially when we got the tailback out of the backfield. It seemed like they always had a linebacker spying or waiting on him when he left the backfield.

Yes. And all 22 starters and reserves are coming back next season from that defense.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tebow Love

From Bill Simmons's mailbag:

Q: Which current athlete is most likely to give an impassioned speech that breaks down long-held prejudices (like how Rocky ended the Cold War)?
-Travis S., New Jersey
SG: I vote for Tim Tebow. Fox's Thom Brennaman spent 15 minutes with him before the BCS Championship Game and raved about the experience three different times during the telecast, like his life had been irrevocably altered. Can you think of anyone you've ever met for just 15 minutes—in your life—who would turn you into a blubbering stalker on live TV? I say we send Tebow to the Middle East. He can start with Al Qaeda.

The Tebow-mania has officially reached New England. Next stop, Canada.